Physical Education | PS 163Q Virtual Field Day: Friday, 5/8/20 at 12:00PM #NationalFieldDay


It is Spirit Week here at PS 163Q. The best way to celebrate school spirit is having Field Day!

What is Field Day??? Field Day is a special day that involves students, staff, and families celebrating school spirit and physical activity/exercise. During Field Day, students proudly wear their school t-shirts/colors and students participate in fun races, contests, and events with their classmates and school community.

Students and families are invited to participate in Virtual Field Day on Friday, 5/8/20 at 12:00PM from the comfort of your homes. The Physical Education teachers will be creating exciting Field Day races and events that you can participate in at home. Everyone is encouraged to participate, but Virtual Field Day participation is optional.

Come to your PE Google Classroom on Friday, 5/8/20 at 12:00PM. Field Day races and events will be posted for you to participate in.

More information to come throughout the week. We look forward to your participation.

Physical Education At Home via Google Classroom | May Edition

Hello parents, guardians, and students! Please join the Physical Education Google Classroom. We are excited to continue our school year on this online platform. Let's go on this new adventure together!

Here is a tutorial for Google Classroom if anyone needs help | Google Classroom Tutorial

If you have any questions/concerns or you just want to say hello, please feel free to e-mail your Physical Education teachers.

Mr. Esquierdo (Mr. E): Grades Pre-K K 1 2 3 4 & 5  | Mr. E email:

Mr. Ansalone (Mr. A): Grades Pre-K K 1 2 3 4 & 5 | Mr. A email:

New York Road Runners (NYRR) support being active at home. Active At Home | Families Extra activities/exercises you can do at home!

We look forward to seeing you in our Google Classroom!


Hello teachers.  We are a Move-To-Improve All-Star School!  Instant access to Move-To-Improve resources.  Click links below or use WeTeachNYC.

WeTeachNYC: Search "Move-To-Improve"

Move-to-Improve Visual Aid Cards_2017.pdf 

Move-to-Improve Physical Activity Guide_2017.pdf 

PAL Brain Scan.pdf 

MTI Breathing Techniques_2017-18.pdf 

MTI Classroom Implementation FAQs_2017-18 1.pdf 

MTI Fact Sheet_2017-18.pdf 

Fitness Concepts.pdf 

If you have any questions or need any support, please contact Mr. E at any time.  Thank you!

2019-2020 Physical Education Schedule


Physical Education








502 201 202





402 403

501 502 505




402 403

501 502 505

104 205





101 102

103 104



101 102

103 104

304 K2 K26








105 205 206

201 202

K1 K2

K3 K4 

105 205 206 

K1 K2

K3 K4



203 204

301 302 

503 504

203 204

301 302 





303 304

305 401 404 


303 304

305 401 404 





Physical Education Rubric 2019-2020










Preparedness and participation: Appropriately dressed for physical activity.  Participates in activities and discussions.  Stays on task.

Consistently wears sneakers and proper athletic attire while participating in all activities and discussions.  Consistently stays focused during each activity.  Is very self-directed and independent.

Often wears sneakers and proper athletic attire while participating in all activities and most discussions.  Often stays focused during each activity.   Needs limited prompting from the teacher.

Sometimes wears sneakers and proper athletic attire to physical education class.  Sometimes participates in activities and discussions.  Sometimes stays focused during each activity.  Needs continuous prompting from the teacher.

Rarely wears sneakers and proper athletic attire to physical education class.  Rarely participates in activities and discussions.  Rarely stays focused.  Off task.

Proper use of materials, equipment and safety: Shows knowledge of materials/equipment and uses in a safe manner.

Consistently uses equipment skillfully and properly throughout each activity.  Respects the equipment and takes great care.  Always displays safe behavior.

Often uses equipment properly throughout each activity.  Respects the equipment and displays safe behavior most of the time.

Sometimes uses equipment properly throughout each activity.  Needs to be reminded of safety rules during each activity.

Rarely uses equipment properly.  Needs to be constantly reminded of safety rules during each activity.  Causes safety risks to self and others.  Does not recognize unsafe situations.

Effort: Displays effort and enthusiasm while participating in activity.

Consistently demonstrates effort and enthusiasm while participating in all activities.

Often demonstrates effort and enthusiasm while participating in all activities.

Sometimes demonstrates effort and enthusiasm while participating in activities.  Needs to show more effort during class.

Rarely demonstrates effort and enthusiasm while participating in activities.  Needs to show more effort during class.

Behavior: Follows directions and gymnasium rules.  Displays self-control, sportsmanship, and encourages classmates.

Consistently follows directions and rules.  Always shows self-control, works well with others, shows good sportsmanship, and encourages others to be successful.

Often follows directions and rules.  Always shows self-control, works well with others, and shows good sportsmanship.  Infrequently needs corrective measures to improve behavior.

Sometimes follows directions.  Frequently breaks gymnasium rules and does not follow basic gymnasium procedures.  Needs corrective measures to limit poor behavior.  Sometimes works well with select classmates.

Does not follow directions and rules.  Demonstrates inappropriate and/or disrespectful behavior. Shows no self-control.

Assessment: Completes projects, written quizzes, self/partner assessments, and homework.

Consistently shows knowledge of content area through written assignments.

Often shows knowledge of content area through written assignments.

Sometimes shows knowledge of content area through written assignments.

Rarely shows knowledge of content area through written assignments.

4 = 20-17 points          3 = 16-14 points          2 = 13-10 points          1 = 9-5 points

Lost & Found

Parents & Students: At the end of each school day, any personal items that are left in the gymnasium are brought to the Lost and Found box located in the cafeteria.

New York City Fitnessgram

Parents and families can now access NYC FITNESSGRAM results for their children online via the NYC Schools Account.  I encourage families to create an account if you do not currently have one.  The NYC FITNESSGRAM information up to and including the 2019-2020 school year is in the Health section of the NYC Schools Account.

To create a NYC School Account, click HERE

NYC FITNESSGRAM assessments will be administered throughout the school year for Grades 4 & 5.

Cold Weather Safety Tips & How to Stay Warm Outdoors

You can still go outside and be physically active this Fall & Winter.  Follow these steps to keep warm so you are safe and have an enjoyable time.

  1. Wear a hat, hood, & scarf, as most heat is lost through the head.
  2. Wear layers as they provide better insulation and warmth.
  3. Keep fingertips, earlobes, & noses covered on very cold days.
  4. Keep clothing dry; if a layer becomes wet, remove it.
  5. Shivering is the first sign that the body is losing heat.  Shivering is a signal to return indoors.
  6. Avoid fall hazards from snow and ice.

Be physically active for a minimum of 30 minutes each day!



Hydrate For Your Health

For information about proper hydration and healthy lifestyle habits, click the following link: Hydrate For Your Health

Staying hydrated is an important part of being healthy.  Drinking plenty of water and enjoying fresh fruits and vegetables will help you stay hydrated.

Drink plenty of water especially if you are active, live or work in hot conditions and/or are an older adult.


Backpack Safety - How to Comfortably Wear a Backpack to/from School

Here are some important tips to follow to ensure a student is wearing his/her backpack safely:

1. Wear both straps

Why?  Wearing just one strap causes unnecessary one-sided stress on the body, especially on the neck, shoulders, and back.

2. Wear the backpack over the strongest mid-back muscles and close to the body

3. Use the waist or chest strap to better distribute the weight of a heavy backpack

4. Lighten the load of the backpack

Why?  It is recommended that a backpack not exceed 10-15% of a student’s body weight.

Parents and children should periodically clean out and organize the backpack to remove unnecessary items.




Bike NYC

Bike NYC: Click on the link to see an interactive bike map of New York City and all the great places you can ride your bike in your neighborhood.

Remember, when riding your bike, wear a helmet.  Safety first!

New York State Physical Education Standard #3: Resource Management

Students will understand and be able to manage their personal and community resources.

Goal of Physical Education Program

The goal of this physical education program is to develop a physically literate individual who has the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity.

 To pursue a lifetime of healthful physical activity, a physically literate individual:

  • Learns the skills necessary to participate in a variety of physical activities.

  • Knows the implications of and the benefits from involvement in various types of physical activities.

  • Participates regularly in physical activity.

  • Is physically fit.

  • Values physical activity and its contributions to a healthful lifestyle.

Physical Education - National Standards (SHAPE)

1. The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.

2. The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.

3. The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.

4. The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.

5. The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and social interaction.

Physical Education - New York State Standards

1. Personal Health & Fitness

Students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to establish and maintain physical fitness, participate in physical activity, and maintain personal health.

2. Safe & Healthy Environment

Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment.

3. Resource Management

Students will understand and be able to manage their personal and community resources.


Falcons Basketball - Roster & Schedule

2019-2020 Falcons Basketball Team

Basketball Coach: Mr. E

































Uniforms are property of P.S. 163Q.  All uniforms will be returned at the end of the season.  Please wash uniforms when necessary.


Basketball In Your Community - Brooklyn Nets Basketball Academy

Join the Brooklyn Nets Basketball Academy coming to a location near you.  Throughout the session, participants ages 6-14 will learn and enjoy basic position-specific basketball fundamentals as well as the team concept of Brooklyn Nets basketball. Be on the look out for special appearances by Nets players and legends!

Location: TBA

Time: TBA

Age: 6-14 years old

To register, please click on the link: TBA

NYS Physical Education Standard #3 - Resource Management

Students will understand and be able to manage their personal and community resources.

Soccer in Your Community - Pro Soccer Kids

Pro Soccer Kids is a simple, engaging, and fun class experience for your child ages 2-11 years old.  Activities are created to inspire your child whether he or she is kicking a ball for the first time or the thousandth.  Pro Soccer Kids provides everything for class: soccer shirt, soccer balls, nets, cones, mats, and stickers!

Click here for more information and Queens locations!

Closest Pro Soccer Kids locations to PS 163Q: Crocheron Park (Bayside) & PS 41 (Bayside).

NYS Physical Education Standard #3 - Resource Management

Students will understand and be able to manage their personal and community resources.