Welcome to Dual Language Pre-Kindergarten 歡迎來到雙語學前班

Remind App 班級通訊軟體 (between teachers and parents 老師和家長之間)

Google Classroom 雲端教室

Website Recommendation 推薦網站

Hanzi House 漢字屋 


- 漢字筆順 Chinese stroke order 





- 漢字筆順 Chinese stroke order 



Biweekly Children’s Magazine  僑教雙週刊


- Stories of Chinese characters

- I can speak Chinese (practices)

- Children’s Chinese Learning (culture, conversation, social studies, holiday stories/traditions, poem/songs, etc.)

- Chinese article (developmentally appropriate)



Animated Picture Books  兒童文化館繪本


  • Unfortunately, this website is written in Chinese only. However, if you play around with it, you can find hundreds of animated stories (some are translated English picture books) and games that go with the stories.  This website is free.



MeiZhou Chinese 美洲華語


  • Kindergarten uses some of the songs and poems from BOOK 1. You can review and listen to the readings with your child.



Better Chinese – online learning


  • This website contains on-line lessons, animated stories, and mp3 downloads. We use some of the reading materials in the classroom.  You will need to purchase the subscription.



Chinese-English Dictionary  中英辭典


  • Choose “Traditional Chinese”
  • Type in the pinyin (letters under the Chinese Character)
  • Click “Go”
  • scroll down to find the character you’re looking for
  • move your cursor to the double arrow (>>) for additional resources (such as information about the character, sound, other search engine, example sentences, words containing the character)



Yellow Bridge Online Talking Dictionary  黃橋網路辭典


  • talking dictionary
  • sample sentences
  • search for a character just by drawing it
  • animated strokes